Pay Equity Phonathon Script


Good evening Senator/ Congressman/Congresswoman _______________

My name is ________________; I am a member of AAUW- (branch) an organization whose mission is to advance equity for women and girls/ a student at (name) College/ University and a member of the College’s/ University’s AAUW Student Group I am a registered voter. My e-mail address is _____________. My mailing address is____________________

I am calling to remind you that tomorrow, April 14th –Pay Equity Day– is the day on which women who work will finally earn the wages that equal those paid to a man in the previous year. On the national level, women in 2013 were paid, on average, only 78 cents for every $1.00 a man was paid. So, because women earn less, they must work longer for the same pay.

It is time—indeed long overdue—for this inequality to be addressed!

I urge you to sponsor or support Pay fairness legislation in this calendar year. Thank you.



Good evening Senator/ Congressman/Congresswoman _______________

My name is ________________; I am member of AAUW whose mission is to advance equity for women and girls/ a student at (name) College/ University and a member of the College’s/ University’s AAUW Student Group. I am a registered voter. My e-mail address is _____________. My mailing address is____________________

I am calling to remind you that tomorrow, April 14th is Pay Equity Day. It is time—indeed long overdue—for pay inequities to be addressed. One commonsense act to address inequity is to raise the minimum wage.

Two-thirds of minimum wage workers as well as two-thirds of workers in tipped occupations are women. A full-time, year-round minimum wage worker earns just $14,500—more than $4,000 below the poverty line for a mother and two children.

Raising the minimum wage and the tipped minimum wage are important steps toward fair pay for women–especially women of color

I urge you to sponsor or support legislation raising the minimum wage.           Thank you.



My name is ________________; I am a member of AAUW, an organization whose mission is to advance equity for women an girls /a student at (name) College/ University and a member of the College’s/ University’s AAUW Student Group. I am a registered voter. My e-mail address is _____________. My mailing address is____________________

I am calling to remind you that tomorrow, April 14th is Pay Equity Day. It is time—indeed, long overdue—to address the many aspects that lead to pay inequities. One commonsense act that would help is to sponsor or support legislation that will guarantee paid family leave so that workers with care-giving responsibilities are not unfairly disadvantaged.

As a member of an organization, AAUW, formed to assure equity for women and girls by working to break down barriers to equity, I urge you to sponsor or support full paid family leave legislation.           Thank you.


My name is ________________; I am a member of AAUW, an organization whose mission is to advance equity for women and girls/ a student at (name) College/ University and a member of the College’s/ University’s AAUW Student Group. I am a registered voter. My e-mail address is _____________. My mailing address is____________________

I am calling to remind you that tomorrow, April 14th is Pay Equity Day. It is time—indeed, long overdue—to address the many aspects that lead to pay inequities. One commonsense act that would help is to sponsor or support legislation that will increase the availability of high-quality, affordable child care and early childhood education. .

As a member of AAUW, I urge you to sponsor or support legislation on child care and early childhood education.           Thank you.



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