Public Policy

The Public Policy function for AAUW Pennsylvania is managed by Public Policy Chair Sandra Miller.  The role of the AAUW PA Public Policy Chairs is to:  Represent AAUW Pennsylvania in coalitions; Manage state-wide public policy initiatives; Assist Branch Public Policy Chairs (BPPC).  Both Public Policy Chairs serve on the AAUW Pennsylvania Board.

The Public Policy function is one of the most demanding in terms of time commitment, unpredictability and immediacy, and depth of subject matter understanding.  The Public Policy Chairs split responsibilities.  Jacqui Rogers is responsible for the issues of minimum wage and Title IX and Administrative and Barbara Price is responsible for issues of pay equity, paid leave, GOTV and lobbying.  The Education Committee tracks education issues. We welcome others who might be interested in tracking specific issues to join us as Issue Specialists.  For a complete description of all roles, go to Public Policy Reorganization July 2019.

The website Public Policy section is designed to provide the resources and tools needed to implement public policy events and activities across Pennsylvania.  Look at all the pages under the Public Policy menu. 

Advocacy and Lobbying

Pennsylvania Lobby Corp

Advocacy in a Box — topic information and advocacy suggestions for branches and individuals

Equal Pay

GOTV (Get Out The Vote)

K-12 Education Funding

Paid Leave

Redistricting Reform

Campaign for Women’s Health


Education Coalitions

Education Resolution on Cyber and Charter Schools

Finding Your Way and Funding for K-12

Pennsylvania Safe Schools Act

Equal Pay Day Events

Governor Wolf 2018 Executive Order

Gateway to Equity Award

Highlights — the Public Policy newsletter (all issues archived here)


Resources and Tools