COVID — Thinking About Everyone’s Well Being
We are all so excited to gather in person for this year’s AAUW Convention in Harrisburg! However, we know you may have concerns about health and safety as we continue to navigate the COVID pandemic.
As of now, Pennsylvania has lifted any restrictions on mask wearing, although businesses and other public spaces can still require masks. Our Convention venue, the Central Hotel and Conference Center, does not require masks. You can read more about the hotel’s protocols for cleaning public spaces and guest rooms here:
The Convention will take place in Dauphin County, and you can check out the Centers for Disease Control’s assessment of risk for transmission locally here:
Right now, the risk level for Dauphin County is LOW. If circumstances change between now and the Convention, we will communicate that.
We want you to feel comfortable at the Convention. We will not be requiring masks, but if wearing a mask feels right for you, we support that. If limiting your contact with others (hugs, handshakes, sitting close to others), feels right, we support that too. At registration you will be asked to select a dot for your nametag that indicates your contact preference.
GREEN — Hugs Welcome
YELLOW — Fist bumps or elbows are OK
RED — No contact
AAUW is about empowering women, and YOU should feel empowered to choose what steps you need to take as we come together face-to-face again to consider Disruption as Opportunity…It’s a Woman’s World!