2019 Selected Professions Fellowships

Name: Karen Escarcha
Award Year: 2019-20
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Carnegie Mellon University
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Discipline: Architecture and design
Degree and Specialization: M.S., Interaction Design


Name: Lucia Fernandez
Award Year: 2019-20
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Villanova University
Location: Villanova, Pennsylvania
Discipline: Engineering – chemical
Degree and Specialization: M.S., Biochemical Engineering


Name: Salimah Hussien
Award Year: 2019-20
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Drexel University
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Discipline: Engineering – biomedical
Degree and Specialization: M.S., Integrated Biomedical Engineering with Business

Name: Alexys Lamkin
Award Year: 2019-20
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Temple University
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Discipline: Computer and information sciences
Degree and Specialization: M.S., Computational Data Science


Name: Epiphany Loux
Award Year: 2019-20
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Pennsylvania State University
Location:  University Park, Pennsylvania
Discipline: Architecture and design
Degree and Specialization: M.Arch., Sustainability